Friday, February 22, 2008

I Blame The TV Writers' Strike

The winter doldrums have set in big time. I have had zero inspiration to write – zero I tell you. So what does one do when stuck inside during this period of hibernation, besides wallow in a creative abyss? Why, you stare at your closets and realize that you need to get them organized - pronto.

But, first, you need a plan of attack. So off to Chapters you go where you load up on organization books and magazines and caffeine – lots of caffeine.

Then speed read through said reading material and (thanks to a weird combination of espresso and gray winter skies) convince yourself that you can turn this...

into this...

Canadian winters really do mess with your mind.

1 comment:

Suburban Turmoil said...

Uh, your closet looks fabulous compared to mine...

And by the way, girlfriend, it's TIME TO POST AGAIN! Let's see some snow pictures!