Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Answer Is Two

In case you were wondering, two is the number of sleeps left until I go see the Sex and the City movie.

Bring on the martinis, designer bag, and high heels (and I’m not even talking about the characters in the movie. Ditching the diaper bag for an evening merits a celebration).


By the way, Hubby the Great and The Wee Man will be having boys time while Mommy is out enjoying herself with her girlfriends. Needless to say, I could never drag Hubby the Great to see this show – EVER!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Early Diagnosis Is The Key

Hubby the Great and I have a delightful but oh so strong-willed toddler on our hands. We realize that we need to be firm but fair with him and establish that he can’t always get his own way because we are just a few temper tantrums away from strong-willed turning into bratty.

When our resilience starts to falter, we remind ourselves that this won’t last forever. The “Terrible Twos” are fast approaching but once we get past that, things should start to get easier, right? We’ve been comforted in the thought that The Wee Man was really no more of a challenge than most other toddlers his age. Well, today may be the day to stop kidding ourselves.

We just got home from his 18-month check-up with his pediatrician. The Wee Man did his usual thing of not wanting to sit still and swatted away the doctor’s stethoscope when she went to listen to his breathing. I told her that he is very determined and wants to assert his independence ALL THE TIME.

When the check-up was over and I went to dress him, he threw himself back (a hallmark move) and wouldn’t let me put his clothes on. The howls of displeasure could be heard in the parking lot.

“He certainly has a big personality,” his doctor said.

You don’t say.

Then she said that she had a recommended reading list. I wish I could say with absolute certainty that she gives out this list to every parent of an 18-month old toddler but the time it took her to locate it in her office told me otherwise.

So, here, my friends are the names of the books she suggested (keeping in mind that no recommendations were sought. I’m not sayin’ they aren’t needed – they just weren’t sought…)

  • No More Misbehavin’: 38 Difficult Behaviors and How to Stop Them
  • Kids are Worth It!: Giving Your Child the Gift of Inner Discipline
  • How to Behave So Your Children Will, Too!
  • The Difficult Child
  • Your Defiant Child: 8 Steps To Better Behavior

Alrighty then.

So the bottom line of today’s appointment was, The Wee Man is happy and healthy but can display jerk-like tendencies.

Friday, May 9, 2008

An Open Letter to the Mystery Wedding Guest…

…who decided to purchase the sandwich maker off of our registry in 2005 BUT NEVER GAVE IT TO US.

I mean, if you liked it so much and wanted one for yourself, you didn’t have to take it from our registry and in doing so not giving other guests the chance to buy it for us.

We’ve waited and waited for it to show up, but it never has. So after one hell of a waffle craving a few weeks ago, we decided to give up hope that the missing sandwich maker would materialize with some funny explanation as to its whereabouts for the past three years.

In case this letter has caused you to feel shame every time you go to make grilled cheese, please know that Hubby the Great and I have now moved on and last week bought a terrific waffle/griddle/sandwich maker that, ironically, is far superior to the one we actually registered for. And those yummy waffles we made the first night were worth the wait.

We've got a lot of sandwiches to make up for!