Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Wee Man Turns One!

I wish I could adequately put into words all that I’m feeling today as my baby turns one. I think back to a year ago when he decided to put the scare of our lives into us by having to stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for a week after he was born.

We wanted to put the celebrations on hold until we knew for sure that he was going to be okay. But by the time we got the all-clear from the doctors, we were so wrung out from the worry and uncertainty we endured watching him struggle to get better that passing out cigars and toasting ourselves with champagne seemed superfluous. At that point, all we wanted to do was to get him home.

Joy, pride and great love are just a few of the things I’m feeling right now. But if I had to pick just one emotion to sum up today it would be gratitude. Gratitude for The Wee Man being happy and healthy, gratitude for learning to cherish each day with my loved ones, and gratitude for being able to have joy, pride and great love in my life.

So after presents are opened, a first bite of cake is tasted, and The Wee Man is put to bed, Hubby the Great and I will finally open that bottle of champagne. Because, after all, we have so much to celebrate.

1 comment:

Loukia said...

Happy birthday to your darling little boy... what a wonderful thing it is, to have your child turn 1 years old... amazing how fast the year went by, huh? Take lots of pictures and give him lots of kisses.. I'm sure you will. Also, I'm glad to hear he is okay. Was he born early? It is such a scary time being in CHEO but I am thankful with their wonderful nurses and doctors.